How Can You Create a Better Bond with Your Child?

How Can You Create a Better Bond with Your Child?

Children are the most beautiful and innocent creation of the Almighty. They are just like the different types of flowers that cover our Earth. Children like flowers grow in various shapes, sizes and colors as well as in diverse cultures, ethnic groups and religions. Yet the one thing that makes them all similar is that they have the right to grow in a healthy environment where they have the right to education, freedom of thoughts, availability of food and nutrition, and above all, a conducive environment to nurture psychologically sound minds. And this is only possible when parents create such an environment for their children.


Thus, through the lines of this blog, we have accumulated three vital points that will help you to give your child a beautiful world around by bonding with him/her better.

Be Available for your child

Parents often miss to spend undivided attention towards their child in their daily chores, which is certainly not going to help for their relationship with child. Parenting where child is considered at the center, where parents are available for child’s concerns consistently have been scientifically proven to have better attachment with child. It is vital to take frequent time off from your routine works and be with your child, enjoy his activity, appreciating him, answering his concerns, comforting him when he needs it the most are going to make your journey better and happier. Showing your child that you are available for them whenever they need you by actively listening  to them, acknowledging their feelings, empathizing with them going to make your bond blossom.

Setting the informed boundaries

It is been scientifically proven that healthy parent and child relationship requires both love and structure throughout their developing ages. Providing structure is nothing but helping your child to understand what is accepted and what is not accepted behavior. Set rules that are first well informed and discussed with the child. While doing so, provide them age-appropriate information of doing so and help them to understand the consequences of their actions. Such structure provides them the sense of safety, helps then to know the consequences of their behavior, can keep the unnecessary tantrums and anxiety away. But remember, rules are only valued when they are consistent and also followed by adults.

Avoid using harsh behavior or words

Parents often seen believing that only better way for child’s development is only thorough shouting, hitting and punishing. But such treatment does no better than harming your relationship with child. Punishing the child, using harsh words may seem easier option but is only going to have short lived outcomes. In long run such acts of spanking, abusing, name calling is going to impact on your child’s emotional wellbeing. Study has shown that this things lead more anger issues, anxieties, low self-esteem, distress in children. It is natural for Parents to get overwhelmed with challenges that come during parenting, but learning to respond constructively and not react to child’s behavior can make your bond stay stronger and happier.

How Can You Create a Better Bond with Your Child?

Final words:

Give every child the happiness of a blessed environment and parents. If you are a counsellor who wants to make a striking difference in the lives of every child then take up the parenting courses for professionals available at Feeling Minds and help the concerned parents. These courses will help you in your pledge to assist and counsel parents into how they can bond well with their kids and give you the opportunity to get hands-on training from Dr. Chinu Agrawal (Honourable Director of Feeling Minds) herself.

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